ING Marketing Day app | DTT
Mon. till Fri. 9:00 - 18:00
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ING Marketing Day app

iPad - API - CMS

ING Marketing Day app
ING Marketing Day app icon

ING Marketing Day app

iPad - API - CMS

ING Marketing Day app overzicht
In-house distribution
Delivery: 2013, quarter 4

DTT has developed a game app with a significant ‘fun factor’ to support the ING Marketing day. The app features several parts: the introductory round, the knowledge quiz, the marketing awards and the word game derived from the popular Dutch tv program "De slimste mens" (The smartest person). The knowledge quiz challenges teams to answer exiting and funny questions. Teams gain points by giving the correct answers. In the marketing awards part, teams have to complete several polls. Each part of the ING Marketing day app has a time limit, so teams have to be quick in their actions. The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible within the limited time. These points, rankings and other relevant information are a 'live' insight into the organization of the ING Marketing day.

Winners are chosen in a democratical way - teams vote for the (pre) nominated ING marketing Tigers (specialists).

Visit the ING website for more information.

ING Marketing Day app description
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Function Meet & Greet - ING Marketing Day app

Meet & Greet

Each team introduces themselves and answer interesting questions about the group in an introductory round.

Function Well done! - ING Marketing Day app

Well done!

Round finished and a countdown to the next one.

Function Knowledge quiz - ING Marketing Day app

Knowledge quiz

The knowledge quiz features challenging and funny questions about ING.

Function Teamwork - ING Marketing Day app


Work together in an interactive way by giving the iPad to your colleagues.

Function Marketing awards - ING Marketing Day app

Marketing awards

One of the teams is declared a winner, based on polls in the marketing awards part.


Stephan Swerissen, Formula Manager Savings and Investing


"We would like to emphasize:

  • Young, enthusiastic, technical and professional employees
  • Quick feedback and good communication via phone / email 
  • Good at executing a concrete idea"

Success stories of the ING Marketing Day app:

DTT blog: Successful launch of ING Marketingday app


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