Blokster version 2.0 and GDPR-proof

The most recent Blokster update went live this week. One of the improvements in this update is that it ensures the app is GDPR-proof.
Blokster app is here to stay
We are writing two years after the launch of Blokster and it's still standing strong. Many hundreds of homeowners have now found their new home via Blokster. The number of regions with 'Blokster housing offerings' also continues to grow steadily.
Optimisations and GDPR-proof
The most recent Blokster update for iOS and Android ensures that the Blokster app is GDPR-proof. This means for example that users will only receive the newsletter if they specifically sign up for this, in other words, opt-in. Users must also agree to the terms and conditions and the privacy policy. Already registered users who have not yet agreed, will receive a pop-up message in the new version, in which they will be obliged to agree with the terms.
Implemented optimisations are mainly related to improving user experience. For example, now users can immediately see how many available houses can be found in a certain region when they set their location preference.
The website received a great update as well. When a house is shared from the app to another user, this other user can choose to view the house on the website first, before downloading the app. To schedule a house viewing, the app still needs to be downloaded. This optimisation will also cause positive SEO effects.