Pilot project for RIVM: Fruitbuit app is live

Hybrid Fruitbuit app is a pilot project of the RIVM to encourage employees to make their eating habits more healthy. With the app, they can daily order fruits and have it delivered to the workplace. Update: the app is now live!
Hybrid Solutions app
Fruitbuit is a hybrid app, ie one app for both iPhone and Android phones. It is not the first hybrid app developed by DTT. For that matter: it is not the first app for the RIVM. Earlier we developed the Tick bite awareness app. Well now, back to the icing on the cake. With Fruitbuit app employees receive a push message to order fruits for the next day. Would you prefer a delicious apple with your salad on lunch or are you more of a raspberry fan? Order your favourites and pay with the secure web environment of PayPal.
Download the app in the iTunes app store and in the Google Play store.
See more success stories about Fruitbuit app
DTT blog: DTT introduces: Fruitbuit app for RIVM