Ajax1 app update is available | DTT
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Ajax1 app update is available


Ajax1 app update is available

The renewed Ajax1 app is again well received by users and the press. The app has undergone a complete makeover and can now compete with the best sports apps available. This is reflected in high ratings - the latest version of the Ajax1 app gets high scores in iTunes App Store (5 stars) and in the Google Play Store (4,5 stars).

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In the iTunes Ajax1 app received an honorable mention in the What's Hot list under the category Sports. Furthermore, both the Android and iPhone / iPad app the past two weeks got a permanent residence in the top 10 in the category Sport in both app stores.

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The reviews from the users do not lie:

  • Tom Govers, 10-7-2013 - Google Play: “Nice and clear. Design also very neat.”
  • Fifaspeler, 21-7-2013 - iTunes: “Five stars for this great app. Since the last update it was very easy to use!"
  • Laborantjes, 21-7-2013 - iTunes: “The app for all your Ajax news !! Objective coverage, not like Ajax.nl with only positive news, but occasionally a critical note.”

The Ajax1 app update was also picked up by the press. So the news about the app were published on the most important Android platform "Android World", and in the local news paper "Het Gooi Life".

The announcement about the update on Ajax1.nl also sparked enthusiastic reactions:

ajax app updateajax updateajax update


Success stories about the Ajax1 app:

DTT blog: Pearls of media coverage
DTT blog: Six top scorers from DTT in the Spotlight
DTT blog: DTT apps rank well in the app stores
DTT blog: 2000 reviews for ajax fanzone in Google play: Score 4,7
DTT blog: Ajax Fanzone update
DTT blog: New design for Ajax fanzone (iOS)
DTT blog: Ajax1 scores 4,7 in the Google play store
DTT blog: Ajax1 app update is available
DTT blog: Sending press release about the app is fruitfull
DTT blog: Updated Ajax1 app on Ipad and Android tablet
DTT blog: Now you can post comments in Ajax1 app
DTT blog: Ajax1 app in the press on Iphoneclub.nl
DTT blog: Ajax1 iOS app number 1 in itunes
DTT blog: The Ajax1 app on Iphone and Android
DTT blog: Official partner of Ajax1


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